2024 Precious Metals Summit Zurich

Event Info

Event Information

November 11-12, 2024 | Park Hyatt Zurich

The Precious Metals Summit Zurich is the premier Swiss-based independent investment conference focused on explorers, developers and emerging producers of gold, silver and platinum group metals.

The 12th Annual Precious Metals Summit Zurich was in many respects our most successful Swiss Summit to-date, with respect to investors, issuer-participation and meetings.  Notable results are as follows:

  • 290+ qualified buy-side and corporate investor attendees from Switzerland, broader Europe and around the globe;
  • Executives from ~100 mining companies, averaging 14 meetings per company
  • Over 1,350 1-on-1 meetings took place across two days;

CLICK HERE to view webcast presentations of 100+ Issuers & featured Keynote Presentations !

In addition, we’d like to express our gratitude to the 2024 Zurich Summit Sponsors listed on this page, for their support and dedication in our ongoing commitment to continue providing invaluable connections to the global network of institutional investors.

Please direct any queries concerning corporate participation to Misha Levental, misha@precioussummit.com.

Keynote Speakers

Dr. Marc Faber

Rob McEwen

Rob McEwen

Ambassador Patrick Wittmann

Ivan Bebek

Grant Williams

Ronald-Peter Stoferle

Florian Grummes

Joanna Ponicka

John Feneck

Terry Lynch

Trevor Hall

Trevor Hall



Company Name Primary Ticker Primary Focus Company Type Commodity
Abitibi Metals Corp CSE: AMQ Explorer, Developer Gold, Silver, Copper
AbraSilver Resource Corp. TSX-V: ABRA Argentina Explorer, Developer Gold, Silver
Alkane Resources Limited ASX:ALK Australia Producer Gold
Alta Copper Corp. TSX: ATCU Peru Explorer, Developer Copper
Altamira Gold Corp TSX-V: ALTA Brazil Explorer Gold
American West Metals Limited ASX: AW1 Utah Explorer, Developer Copper
AMEX Exploration Inc. TSX-V:AMX Quebec Explorer Gold, Base Metals
Angus Gold Inc. TSX-V: GUS Ontario Explorer Gold
Apollo Silver Corp. TSX-V: APGO Mexico Explorer Silver
Arizona Metals Corp. TSX-V: APC Arizona Explorer Copper, Gold
Astral Resources NL ASX: AAR Western Australia Explorer, Developer Gold
Ascot Resources Ltd. TSX-V:AOT Canada Explorer Gold, Silver
AuMEGA Metals (frmrly Matador Mining) ASX: MZZ Explorer Gold
Aurum Resources Limited ASX: AUE Cote d'Ivoire Explorer Gold
Aztec Minerals Corp. TSX-V: AZT North America Explorer Gold, Copper
Banyan Gold Corp. TSX-V:BYN Yukon Explorer Gold
Barton Gold Holdings Limited ASX: BGD Australia Developer Gold
BonTerra Resources Inc. TSX-V: BTR Canada Explorer Gold
Borealis Mining Company Limited TSX-V: BOGO Nevada Explorer Gold
Cabral Gold Inc. TSX-V: CBR Brazil Explorer, Developer Gold
Canterra Minerals Corporation ++ TSX-V: CTM Newfoundland Explorer Copper, Gold
Carolina Rush Corporation TSX-V: RUSH South Carolina Explorer Copper, Gold
Cerro de Pasco Resources Inc. CSE: CDPR Peru Developer Silver
Contango ORE Inc. NYSE-A: CTGO Alaska Explorer, Developer Gold
Coppernico Metals Inc. private Peru Explorer Copper
Cordoba Minerals Corp. TSX-V: CDB Columbia Explorer Gold, Copper
Denarius Metals Corp TSX-V: DSLV Spain, Columbia Explorer, Developer Gold, Silver, Base Metals
Element 29 Resources Inc. TSX-V: ECU Peru Explorer Copper
Elemental Altus Royalties Corp. TSX-V: ELE Global Royalty/Streaming/Other Base Metals
Exploits Discovery Corp. CSE: NFLD Newfoundland Explorer Gold
FireFly Metals Limited ASX: FFM Ontario Explorer Copper, Gold
First Nordic Metals Corp. TSX-V: FNM Explorer Gold, Silver
Freegold Ventures Limited TSX: FVL Alaska Explorer Gold, Copper
Fuerte Metals (Atacama Copper) TSX-V: FMT Explorer Copper
Fury Gold Mines Limited NYSE-A/TSX: FURY Canada Explorer, Developer Precious Metals
G Mining Ventures Corp. TSX-V: GMIN Americas Developer Gold
GFG Resources Inc. TSX-V: GFG North America Explorer Gold
Gold Terra Resources Corp. TSX-V: YGT Ontario Explorer Gold
Greenheart Gold Inc. TSX-V: GHRT Guiana Explorer, Developer Gold
Hot Chili Limited ASX: HCH Chile Developer, Explorer Copper
Intrepid Metals Corp. TSX-V:INTR Arizona Explorer Silver, Copper
Japan Gold Corp. TSX-V: JG Japan Explorer Gold
Kingsgate Consolidated Limited ASX: KCN Thailand, Chile Producer, Developer, Explorer Gold
Kootenay Silver Inc. TSX-V: KTN Mexico Explorer Silver
Kuya Silver Corporation CSE: KUYA Ontario, Peru Explorer Silver
Lahontan Gold Corp. TSX-V: LG Nevada Explorer Gold
Latitude 66 Limited ASX: LAT Explorer, Developer Gold
Libero Copper & Gold TSX-V: LBC Americas Explorer Copper, Gold
Luca Mining Corp. ++ TSX-V: LUCA Mexico Developer, Explorer Precious Metals
Magna Mining Inc. TSX-V: NICU Ontario Developer Base Metals, Copper
Mako Mining Corp. TSX-V: MKO Nicaragua Producer, Developer, Explorer Gold
Mandalay Resources Corporation TSX: MND Australia, Sweden Producer, Developer Gold, Silver
Maple Gold Mines Ltd. TSX-V: MGM Quebec Explorer Gold
Mawson Finland Limited TSX-V: MFL Developer Gold
Medallion Metals Limited ASX:MM8 Australia Developer, Explorer Gold, Copper
McEwen Mining / McEwen Copper NYSE/TSX: MUX Americas Developer, Explorer, Producer Gold, Silver, Copper
Meridian Mining UK Societas TSX: MNO Brazil Developer, Explorer Copper, Gold
Metallic Minerals Corp TSX-V: MMG Yukon
Mineros S.A. TSX: MSA Americas Producer, Developer, Explorer Gold
Mirasol Resources Ltd. TSX-V: MRZ Chile, Argentina Project Generator Precious Metals, Base Metals
Mithril Silver and Gold Limited TSX-V: MSG; ASX: MTH Explorer Gold, Silver
Mogotes Metals Inc. TSX-V: MOG Explorer Copper
Nations Royalty Corp. Private British Columbia Royalty/Streaming/Other Precious Metals, Base Metals
Nicola Mining Inc. TSX-V: NIM Developer, Explorer Copper, Gold, Silver
North Peak Resources Ltd. TSX-V: NPR Ontario
Northern Superior Resources Inc. TSX-V: SUP Canada Explorer Gold
Omai Gold Mines Corp. TSX-V: OMG Guyana Explorer Gold
Omai Gold Mines Corp. TSX-V: OMG Guyana Explorer Gold
Outcrop Silver & Gold Corp. TSX-V: OCG Columbia
P2 Gold Inc. TSX-V: PGLD British Columbia
Pantoro Limited ASX: PNR Western Australia
Platinum Group Metals Ltd. NYSE-A: PLG; TSX: PTM Producer Platinum/Palladium
Power Nickel Inc. TSX-V: PNPN Quebec, Chile
Probe Gold Inc. ++ TSX-V: PRB Quebec
Regulus Resources Inc. TSX-V: REG Peru
Relevant Gold Corp. CSE: RGC Wyoming
Ridgeline Minerals Corp. TSX-V: RDG Nevada
Robex Resources Inc. TSX-V: RBX West Africa
Royal Road Minerals Limited TSX-V: RYR Argentina, Saudi Arabia Explorer Gold, Copper
Serabi Gold Plc. TSX: SBI; LON: SRB Brazil Producer, Explorer Gold
Sierra Madre Gold & Silver Ltd. TSX-V: SM Mexico Explorer, Developer Gold, Silver
Silver Mines Limited ASX: SVL Australia
Stillwater Critical Minerals Corp. TSX-V: PGE Montana (USA), Yukon Explorer Platinum/Palladium, Base Metals, Battery Metals
Strickland Metals Limited ASX: STK Western Australia Explorer Gold
Talisker Resources Ltd. CSE: TSK British Columbia
Tectonic Metals Inc. TSX-V: TECT Alaska, Yukon Explorer Gold
Tesoro Gold Ltd. ASX: TSO Chile Explorer, Developer Gold
Thor Explorations Ltd. TSX-V/AIM: THX West Africa
Toubani Resources Inc. ASX: TRE West Africa Explorer, Developer Gold
Wallbridge Mining Company TSX: WM Quebec Explorer Gold
Western Alaska Minerals Corp. TSX-V: WAM Alaska
Western Exploration Inc. TSX-V: WEX Nevada
Yukon Metals Corp. CSE: YMC Explorer Gold
1911 Gold Corporation TSX-V:AUMB Manitoba Explorer, Developer Gold

More to come...
++1on1s only


Keynote Speakers